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Roof Maintenance Tips to Ensure a Healthy Roof


In order to maintain your roof, there have to be regular inspections. Seasonal or yearly checkups will lengthen the life of your roofing materials, preventing leaks that lead to damage, costly repairs, and horrors the necessity for a complete roof replacement. We decided to put together a quick list of roof maintenance tips that will alert you to any problems and help extend the life of your roof. Roofs are designed to weather (literally) all kinds of storms, but there is going to be some wear and tear. So be sure your roof is ready for the next big storm by following these helpful tips on roof protection. If you have any questions about roofing repair, damaged shingles, roofing home improvements, or your roof system in general, please call Pacific West Roofing. We’re happy to guide you through the best solutions for you and your home.

Do yearly checks on your roof shingles — especially after the wild weather months. But remember: It’s not just wind and wet that can damage your roof. Ultraviolet light from the sun’s rays can also wreak havoc over time. So be sure to examine your shingles as a regular part of your roof inspections to ensure they’re still installed properly and functioning as they should.

If you have trees with overhanging branches, have them trimmed before the winter sets in. Heavy snow, wind, ice and other natural phenomena can whip branches around or pull them from the tree completely, causing damage to the root and the structures on top of it. Looking for roof restoration Melbourne? Look no further! Top Glaze has you covered.

The 5 Step Roof Restoration Process

Roof Assessment

Contractor Inspecting Roof

The first thing that needs to happen is to have your roof carefully assessed for damage points. This will require an end to end walkthrough of your roof, scanning every point for signs of damage. Generally, damages will be in the form of cracked or broken tiles, punctured metal sheets (hail damage or fallen objects), or even old tiles in danger of breaking. Leakage is also checked to see if certain spots of the roof are leaking. Photos should be taken of damaged points so that these can be systematically fixed during the repairs.

When walking on the roof, it is very important that you or the installer adorns proper safety wear, such as non-slip boots. This will ensure no accidents happen. The roof assessment process may take an hour or more, depending on the size of the roof. It is perhaps one of the most critical phases of roof restoration, as you do not want to miss out on any damage points. Given that roof, restoration would only be done once in 5 or 10 years. 

Roof Cleaning

The next step is to wash out the roof with a high-pressure hose. This removes years of dirt, grime and debris from the roof. It is important to ensure that the gutters are also cleared and clean. During the cleaning process, damaged points will become clearer as the dirt gets washed off.

In addition, it’s also a good time to check for roof leakages, as water is run over the roof. Any points where water leakage or seepage is observed should be marked or photographed so that they can be fixed in the repair phase.

Roof cleaning is an important step as you want the roof to be absolutely clean before the chemical treatment or coating is applied.

Roof Repairs

This is perhaps the most critical step in the roof restoration process. Repairing a roof is a detailed process of following up on every damage point identified in the assessment stage. Broken or damaged sections of the roof are replaced with matching tiles/metal sheets and carefully mended. The workmanship is important as poor quality work could come back to haunt you in the form of water seepage or leaks.

Roof repair is probably the most compelling reason you would want to get a professional to handle your roof restoration works. A qualified and experienced roofing expert will be able to deliver professional results – making your roof as new.

When replacing tiles, metal roofing, special tools may be required. If you intend to DIY, ensure that you look up which tools are required and stock up on the colour/type of tile or materials you require. Take a look at our range of roof repairs Melbourne.

Chemical Treatment

Most roof restoration companies will coat the roof with protective coating after the repair work is completed. This increases the durability of the roof, prolonging the time before the next maintenance is required. There are different types of coating chemicals with varying degrees of effectiveness and functionality. This can include waterproofing, thermal insulation, rust proofing and more. Ask your roof restoration company what type of coating they will apply for your roof.

Final Assessment

Once all the above steps are completed, a post-job assessment should be conducted. Another walkthrough of the roof is essential to identify and areas that have been missed out. This final step is very important to ensure that everything is done completely and appropriately.

5 Important Signs That You Need to Replace Your Roof

Even understanding the quality and durability of your roofing material, the lifespan of your roof still depends on the climate. Frequent hail, snow, hurricanes, and inclement weather can cut the longevity of any roof. There are also recommended roofs for hot climates.

Instead of relying entirely on the age and material of your roof, it’s more important to check your roof frequently and take notice of any potential signs that it could use a replacement.

Worn Out Roof Shingles

Healthy shingles equal a healthy roof. If your shingles are buckling, curling, cracking, or otherwise showing any signs of damage, your shingle roof will likely need some repairs. Entire shingles that have gone missing may also point to a new roof in your future. Curling can appear in two forms. Cupping refers to shingles that have their corners turned upward, creating a cup or bowl shape. Clawing is when the middle of the shingle raises up while the edges and corners remain flat. This usually means that the bottom of the shingle is shrinking compared to the top of the shingle, which may also be a sign of heat escaping from a poorly ventilated attic.

Both forms of curling are caused by weathering and will likely result in further damage and a leaky roof if left untreated. Cracked shingles, especially if they tend to only one side of the house, usually point to wind damage.

While it’s okay to replace individual shingles, damage or curling in one or a handful of shingles likely points to more shingle damage. Depending on the extent of this damage, you may be anywhere from one year to five years away from a complete roof replacement. It can also be difficult to find individual shingles that are the exact same tone and colour as your existing shingles, so you may consider replacing your entire roof to maintain the aesthetics of your roof.

Shedding Granules

Asphalt shingles include granules made from crushed minerals. These granules allow for the different colours, shapes, and sizes of asphalt, but they also protect the asphalt layer from the sun. If you have just gotten a new roof installed, some loose granules are normal and expected. However, if your shingles are older and shedding their granules, you may have some problems with your hands. Without those granules, your shingles are rendered useless and will deteriorate quickly. If you find more granules in the gutter or otherwise notice that the granules may be shedding, you may want to have your roof inspected.

Spots of Light in the Attic

If you see spots of light shining through the attic, you should definitely get your roof checked soon. Noticeable light spots in the attic mean holes in the roof that will likely let in water, snow, cold air, and potentially wayward pests. If you do find any light leaks, keep a careful eye on them during the next few rainfalls. If the holes warp or change the size, you may have an actively leaking roof on your hands.

Hole In Roof

Thankfully, not all holes are a huge issue. Smaller leaks can easily be patched without needing to replace the entire roof. However, larger leaks, especially those that involve structural damage to older roofs, may require more extensive repairs.

A Sagging Roof

A flat roof should generally look sturdy, so any sagging is an obvious sign that something is wrong, potentially wear and tear. Sagging usually points to a structural issue, whether it’s problems in the attic or foundational supports. While this does not necessarily mean that you and your home are in immediate danger of a roof collapse, it is absolutely something that you should address sooner rather than later. It’s easier to take care of a small and local problem to one area, as opposed to a larger problem that could be more widespread throughout the roof’s foundation.

The appearance of Mold or Rot

If you spot green spots or dark black wet areas, your roof’s lifespan may be coming to an end. Your roof’s biannual inspections are important to detect mould or rot that you may not detect right away. Mould or rot could lead to damage to the home, including internal leaks and lack of support. If you’re unfamiliar with what moulding or rotting may look like on your specific home, contact Preman Roofing, where a roofing specialist will get you the answers, you need to protect your home or commercial building.

How Often Should You Replace Your Roof?

A roof replacement contractor working on the roof of a homeFrom winter to spring and summer to fall, your roof provides a solid defence against snow, rain, wind, hail, and heat. While your roof continues to be exposed to hazardous weather conditions, it remains vigilant to protect your home and its inhabitants. Unfortunately, roofs do not last forever. When your roof reaches or surpasses its expected lifespan, it may be time to consider a roof replacement. There will likely be some red flags in the months, or even years prior that indicate the need for a new roof. We have a wide range of Melbourne roof replacement services at Top Glaze.

Average Life of a Roof

How long your roof lasts will primarily depend on the type of roof you own and how well you maintained it over the years. Common three-tab asphalt shingles are one of the most affordable roofing options. However, this affordability comes at a price – a reduced lifespan. Most roofs with asphalt shingles will last an estimated 15 to 20 years. You can expect architectural asphalt shingles to last a bit longer at an average of 25 to 30 years. Galvalume or metal roofing materials have an estimated lifespan of 30 to 45 years, and concrete tile generally lasts between 30 and 50 years.

Other factors can also impact your roofs’ lifespan, such as the colour, orientation, and slope of your roof. Darker-coloured roofs typically absorb more heat than lighter-coloured roofs. If the person lives in a warm climate with lots of suns, their roof may need to be replaced more often. If your roof has a slope facing south, the sun will have a bigger impact, which causes a reduction in the roof’s lifespan. Also, consider the pitch of the roof. Roofs with a high pitch will generally last longer as rain and snow cannot settle as easily.

How Weather Affects Roofs

Where you live has a major impact on how long your roof lasts due to the differences in weather. If you reside in an area that experiences frequent temperature fluctuations or have harsh climate conditions, your roof will most likely have a shorter lifespan. Even if you live somewhere with near-constant sunny skies and warm temperatures, your roof can still suffer. Heat and UV radiation can shorten the life expectancy of your roof. It is important to take weather into consideration when determining whether you need a roof replacement.


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